vendredi 21 décembre 2007

Learn vocabulary and play a game !

Commence par "Review" pour réviser ou apprendre du vocabulaire ensuite tu peux faire les deux jeux.

Christmas in the United Kingdom

Listen to a boy talking about Christmas :

The Snowman

The Snowman is a children's book by English author Raymond Briggs, published in 1978. In 1982, this book was turned into a 26-minute animated movie and it was an immediate success. Since then, it's been a Christmas classic in British culture.

The movie starts just after a short introduction.

Bambi's first winter

The Polar Express

Do you believe in the magic of Christmas ? Do you believe (=croire) in Santa Claus ? I'm sure you do ! So let's go to the North Pole ! All aboard the Polar Express!

Christmas songs

We wish you a merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone (by the Shakin Stevens).

A Christmas story to read


A Christmas story told by Shrek :

Another story told by Pussycat :